guanacaste – provinz costa rica

guanacaste costa rica -information, images, opinions, art

guanacaste costa rica 2023 –  but first the History Guanacaste, because Guanacaste is one of the seven provinces in Costa Rica and is about 10.000m² big. Costa Rica Guanacaste means not just for a few people magical nature.

With its 300.000 inhabitants, who are spread over several cantons, Guanacaste has a lot of faces and gives a total different attitude to life, which as a „stranger“ is hard to understand or comprehend.

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In the provinces, for example in Guanacaste, the clocks tick differently and the atmosphere is much more relaxed.

guanacaste costa rica – Discovering

Guanacaste Costa Rica, in 1502 Christoph Columbus went ashore in Costa Rica, but he thought getting somewhere else. At this time existed four main native tribes: The Caribs, who lived at the east coast, the Borucas, the Chibchas and the Diquis, who had their home in the southwest.

The arrival of the spanish conquerer at the peninsula Nicoya in the 16th century had a massive cultural impact on the whole country. Only later did an independent culture develop in Costa Rica and also Guanacaste. Apart from the existing Indian and African way of life, European immigrants and their customs and traditions gradually shaped the province.

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guanacaste costa rica 3 million people of Spanish descent

Even there are over 3 million people of Spanish descent, numerous families from different regions of Europe, Asia, Africa and Centralamerica came to the country. The majority of the colored population emigrated to Guanacaste because of religious reasons or respectively as a result of the Christian missionary work.

church in Nicoya – guanacaste costa rica

The church in Nicoya is the second oldest building in Costa Rica. Another group of immigrants came, if you believe the legend, in a really involuntarily way to the Province Guanacaste. It is the popular saying, that one day pirates docked at the beach Coco to supply themselves with drinking water. Those have been left behind by their crew, on purpose or willful intent is not known.

people came from Jamaica – caribbean

The first colored people came from Jamaica and live now mainly at the Caribbean coast. Their english names once let to much confusion. The Chorotegas originally came from Mexico and are today the biggest ethnic group. The people here in Guanacaste are considered simple and honest. „Pura vida“ therefore is not just an empty phrase for greeting and saying goodbye, it matches the local lifestyle. The average population density is 26,1 inhabitants per km².

guanacaste costa rica – History 2023

The History Guanacaste is one of the faces of Costa Rica. It is a real natural and original face. The pure life mainly expresses the untouched nature: the howling of the howler monkeys, buzzing hummingbirds, dangerous crocodiles or jumpy iguanas. And not to forget the armored sea turtles, numerous snakes and colorful toucans and parrots. Dream beaches like the beach Barrigona or the beauty of 10 national parks are also good reasons for a vacation in Costa Rica. There are a lot of attractions und beautiful hotels.

Guanacaste Costa Rica
What better location than right next to a conservation project with turtles in the jungle?

Peninsula Nicoya – guanacaste costa rica

The first people, to settle in Costa Rica several thousand years BC, stranded on the peninsula Nicoya. During the colonial times Guanacaste was not part of Costa Rica, but belonged to Nicaragua. Just in the 19th century did the inhabitants of Nicoya, Santa Cruz and Cañas decide in a referendum to become a part of Costa Rica. On 25 July 1824 Guanacaste announced its annexation and still celebrates this day as an Independence Day with a big party.

Nicoya – in costa rica

Nicoya, by the way, is considered by many experts to be the oldest city in the country and serves as a trade and shopping center for the coastal regions of Guanacaste. Moreover Nicoya is one of the most important tourist areas in the province. The great Indian chief Nicoya was actually called Nicoa, and was the big boss and the Chorotega-Indina chief of the Guanacaste region in the 16th century. This also included the canton, the peninsula and the Gulf of Nicoya.

Liberia – in costa rica

With its capital Liberia, Guanacaste is the most northwestern province of Costa Rica. It was not until the 19th century that Liberia was founded, and the inhabitants called it the free city. Many people came from Nicaragua and had fled from landowners in search of freedom. In Liberia they found a place where they could start a new life freely.

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open mind and respect in guanacaste

Costa Rica Guanacaste today – History 2023

It borders on the Pacific Ocean to the west, which has a coastline of about 1022 km and more or less developed tourist zones. This is also where the other face of Guanacaste appears. If you visit for example Tamarindo, christened by evil tongues ¨Tamagringo¨, you experience the classic model of tourism development. This place has changed dramatically over the years. And not just this place, other for example Jaco, too. A real construction boom led to the real estate market almost exploding. A lot of „condominios“ dominate the landscape, and there are also numerous North American luxury hotel complexes.

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Costa Rica 2023, blue zone lodge Samara

Construction boom – guanacaste costa rica

History  2023 Guanacaste: In 2006, Guanacaste recorded the largest upswing in real estate investment. The number of building permits rose by 133% compared to 2005. The situation did not begin to change until the end of 2008. Due to the global economic crisis the Costa Rican real estate market also suffered. As a result, many construction projects were abandoned.

Today, in 2018, there are still some ruins to be seen. The highly praised tourist development dream is probably first dreamed to end. If you like to go out and get to know the Costa Rican nightlife, Tamarindo is a good choice. Here there are numerous discos, bars and pubs where the most different parties take place. Samara is already more mixed. Also more south to Montezuma, formerly a hippie place, and today still has a little charm from back then.

The airport of Liberia just received a new terminal. Further north a group of investors wants to pay $ 15 million for the construction of a marina, the marina Papagayo. The planned opening date was mid-2012. This did not turn out to be what had been hoped for. Costa Rica is also feeling the effects of climate change and has to deal with extreme weather conditions.

Rodrigo Chaves, new president of Costa Rica

History 2023 Guanacaste: Enthusiasm for a radical change in power dynamics, for anti-corruption discourse and anti-elite messages. Until a few days ago, Costa Rica was one of the few countries where covid vaccination was mandatory. That ended on Aug. 3. In what must have been a historic press conference for the country, he ended the shameful law on camera. For this had always been illegal.

best beaches peaceful
The beaches of Barrigona and Carrillo have been voted by many guests as one of the most beautiful beaches in Costa Rica.

A lot has changed worldwide, not always for the better.

And History Guanacaste 2023 in Costa Rica?

guanacaste costa rica 2023 news Guanacaste

guanacaste day in costa rica and History 2023

why is guanacaste day celebrated – guanacaste history – guanacaste day celebrations – national thread the needle day – july 26 international day

We wish all Costa Rica – the spirit of nature enthusiasts a beautiful Time on the beach und with the Ticos.

But read guanacaste costa rica the spirit of 2023 – magic Blue Zone 

chill and com down in Guanacaste
Banana republic 2023, tax paradise, eco country

The Pura Vida in Nicoya

Expresses mainly the untouched nature: the screaming of howler monkeys, hummingbirds buzzing around, dangerous or also harmless crocodiles or colorful iguanas.

How can the heart be affected by a worm? People always say that the heart, as our energy center, is untouchable. Not even cancer could penetrate that far. Unfortunately, it is different with dogs. The heartworm has a very sneaky way of doing this.  en german

100 years and olde

Support in old age can be found in the family 100 years and older.
Veiled eyes. A toothless smile. A face covered with wrinkles and spots that testify to a long life.  en german

Supposed cause of death: 7 kg of garbage in the stomach. You don’t believe it. But that’s the sound of it on the Internet. Employees of a national park in Thailand have made a disturbing find…  en german

The rainforest and the deforestation of the rainforest in Brazil can go on merrily. now Brazil elects again a new president. en german

Muni Nicoya

Siempre la Muni Nicoya recogida de basuras a playa buena vista. Ha sido un tema especial. Pero ahora hay que felicitar a la Municipalidad de Nicoya, porque la recolección de basura de Playa Buena Vista funciona excelentemente.  en español

News in Costa Rica and Guanacaste „The contradictions of our country hurt us and make the life of our citizens harder than it should be in a democratic, peace-loving country as rich as ours,“ said the head of state. en german

Lulu and Nana is not the title of the next hit movie or the title of a new fairy tale. It’s much better. Lulu & Nana are, as we all know, the first genetically modified babies. What seemed to be far in the future is already reality. And what leaks out is often only a fraction of what is already happening in the background. en german

enjoy guanacaste

Silence is beautiful guanacaste costa rica

Silence is beautiful, or better yet: silence is gold. We can’t disagree with that in principle. Unless silence becomes the yardstick for a woman’s beauty. Then we won’t keep our mouths shut anymore. And hopefully you won’t either. en german

Sport fishing – a deadly hobby, because the definition of „sport fishing“ is somewhat difficult for me as a layman to discern. Is it what is known as normal fishing? So someone with a fishing rod, camping chair, bait on the lake shore and who afterwards prepares and eats the two fish he caught? Or does it rather mean going out to sea with the boat, casting the rod, waiting and then posing in front of the camera with the biggest possible catch? en german

First-tica woman

First-tica woman, 45-year-old Ligia Madrigal wants to be the first woman from Costa Rica to climb the highest mountain on earth – Mount Everest. Otherwise she won’t have many challenges left. Madrigal has been doing sports since she was four years old and is now an ultramarathon runner.

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